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Rediscovering Bonds: Leveraging Festivals to Reach Out to Lost Donors

  • 10 Oct, 2023

In the world of nonprofit organizations, maintaining a strong relationship with donors is crucial for sustained support and successful fundraising initiatives. Festivals present an opportune time to rekindle connections with lost donors, reignite their passion for your cause, and encourage them to get involved once again. This blog post explores effective strategies to reach out […]

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  • 5 Oct, 2023

In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool with immense potential to transform industries and society as a whole. However, this transformative power comes with ethical, social, and economic challenges. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are uniquely positioned to play a pivotal role in ensuring that AI is developed and […]

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Scattered Clouds Do Not Rain

  • 19 Aug, 2020

Our ancestors have known it for a long time, they could see the clouds and would predict whether it would rain or not. Though the interpretations of cloud would vary from region to region but there is one thing common, scattered clouds do not bring rain. In non profits, we often see discontinuity between goals, […]

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Make The Most Out of Crowd-funding

  • 9 May, 2019

Donors are looking beyond non-profits and their- Change The World- rhetoric to smaller micro-level impact. For e.g. increasing number of donors are supporting a project that does not make earth shattering change but might help a child in Brazil to join his football classes or a school in Taiwan to repair its roof. Some of […]

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Are Your Donors Ignoring Your Appeal Mailers?

  • 9 May, 2019

The 2013 Blackbaud Online Marketing Benchmark Study for Nonprofits found that “response and click through rates in nonprofit email campaigns declined by 16% and 18.7%, respectively, from 2012.” The report went on to conclude that “declining response rates illustrate a saturated channel with non-differentiated messaging and campaigns.” I was recently talking to one of my high value […]

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Do we let our donors in?

  • 9 May, 2019

What walls are you putting up between your organization and the donors who support you? You might be thinking, “None!” But I challenge you to really think about it. Many a times, we try to sanitize problems before presenting the facts. We think that the donor might not be interested in it but more of […]

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Blogs4Good: Six Challenges facing the Nonprofit Sector

  • 9 May, 2019

From the Non Profit Marketing Guide – Six Challenges facing The Non Profit Sector: Fiscal Competetive Effectiveness Infrastructure Legitimacy Growth Nonprofits organisations continue to adjust their goals and priorities to meet their funding goals. The current trends, however are not much different than those facing the Nonprofits several years ago. The top priority from years past […]

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Blogs4Good: 5 ways to Make People Love your Cause

  • 9 May, 2019

Posted on 12th March, 2018 by Augustus Franklin – 5 ways to Make People Love your Cause You take anything that is important to your oraganisation, a cause, a place, a restaurant, a friend — there are a few common threads that tie together the emotions that make it important — trust, need, presence, and […]

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Donors are problem solvers and not ATM machines

  • 9 May, 2019

Many articles and literature highlight the fact that donors donate to solve social problems but as non profits do we put forward an ambitious and bright future that the donor and NGO can together strive for or we resort to myopic views of this is what we need for our programs. In reality, 80% of […]

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